Evelyn, a young New Yorker who finds herself frequenting Coney Island, is both repulsed and drawn to the lurid and colorful skin parade of the boardwalk. At the brink of giving up on all human connection, the painfully inhibited young woman meets a self-loving stranger at New York's Coney Island, inspiring her to ride a rollercoaster - for real and in her own bedroom.
Our intention with this film is to give all people, and especially women and queer people, an opportunity to see themselves in Evelyn and to validate their experiences. We hope audiences will feel less alone and less likely to feel shame for whatever it is that they like.
Writer and Director Kelly McCready
Producer Melisa Breiner-Sanders
Director of Photography Idil Eryurekli
Shot with an almost entirely women and non-binary crew.
Filmed in Coney Island, NY June 2024.